M40 8 Manchester

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
M40 8AB £80,500 3 £62,000 - £105,000
M40 8AE £74,000 1 £74,000 - £74,000
M40 8AF £73,000 1 £73,000 - £73,000
M40 8AZ £105,000 1 £105,000 - £105,000
M40 8BD £67,000 1 £67,000 - £67,000
M40 8BG £119,500 6 £115,000 - £125,000
M40 8BH £95,000 1 £95,000 - £95,000
M40 8BN £70,000 1 £70,000 - £70,000
M40 8DL £135,000 1 £135,000 - £135,000
M40 8DS £116,000 1 £116,000 - £116,000
M40 8DW £90,000 1 £90,000 - £90,000
M40 8ED £178,000 1 £178,000 - £178,000
M40 8GD £198,000 1 £198,000 - £198,000
M40 8GJ £122,000 1 £122,000 - £122,000
M40 8JW £70,000 1 £70,000 - £70,000
M40 8NN £114,500 4 £84,000 - £146,000
M40 8NS £95,000 4 £87,000 - £105,000
M40 8NT £101,500 10 £77,500 - £160,000
M40 8NU £182,000 1 £182,000 - £182,000
M40 8NW £105,500 2 £102,000 - £108,500
M40 8PF £92,000 1 £92,000 - £92,000
M40 8PH £136,000 2 £117,000 - £155,000
M40 8QA £76,000 1 £76,000 - £76,000
M40 8QT £90,000 2 £80,000 - £100,000
M40 8QW £60,000 1 £60,000 - £60,000
M40 8QX £157,500 2 £140,000 - £175,000
M40 8RG £107,000 3 £73,500 - £130,000
M40 8RH £90,000 1 £90,000 - £90,000
M40 8WP £107,000 3 £80,000 - £129,500

Monthly averages

Average price by type and tenure

Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
Freehold - £117,714 £109,375 £175,000
Leasehold £94,150 £117,350 £196,533 -

Price brackets
