M12 6 Manchester

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
M12 6AL £119,000 5 £80,000 - £186,000
M12 6AR £94,500 1 £94,000 - £94,500
M12 6BQ £62,000 25 £55,000 - £70,000
M12 6DL £270,000 1 £270,000 - £270,000
M12 6ER £103,000 11 £80,000 - £145,000
M12 6EY £90,000 1 £90,000 - £90,000
M12 6EZ £113,000 2 £90,000 - £136,000
M12 6FS £105,500 3 £92,500 - £126,000
M12 6NE £114,000 1 £114,000 - £114,000
M12 6PH £121,000 3 £112,000 - £135,000
M12 6PR £136,500 2 £110,000 - £163,000
M12 6PT £95,000 1 £95,000 - £95,000
M12 6WD £105,500 1 £105,500 - £105,500
M12 6WL £130,500 3 £92,000 - £175,000

Monthly averages

Average price by type and tenure

Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
Freehold - £118,153 £130,666 £270,000
Leasehold £77,248 - £94,250 -

Price brackets
