M1 7 Manchester

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
M1 7AA £127,500 51 £70,000 - £153,000
M1 7AB £177,500 21 £98,000 - £283,500
M1 7AF £135,000 28 £99,500 - £172,500
M1 7AR £154,500 20 £89,500 - £227,000
M1 7AT £181,500 25 £108,500 - £220,000
M1 7AX £163,000 36 £82,000 - £380,000
M1 7BD £122,000 34 £105,000 - £139,000
M1 7DU £134,000 5 £92,500 - £195,000
M1 7EG £104,000 3 £99,500 - £106,000
M1 7EP £195,000 15 £120,000 - £326,500
M1 7EQ £106,000 1 £106,000 - £106,000
M1 7EW £174,000 1 £173,500 - £174,000
M1 7FN £233,500 3 £230,500 - £235,000
M1 7FW £135,000 2 £100,000 - £170,000
M1 7JG £155,000 1 £155,000 - £155,000
M1 7JL £140,000 1 £140,000 - £140,000
M1 7JN £74,000 1 £74,000 - £74,500
M1 7JQ £36,000 1 £36,000 - £36,500

Monthly averages

Average price by type and tenure

Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
Freehold - £156,950 - -
Leasehold £148,481 £233,661 - -

Price brackets
