M1 6 Manchester

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
M1 6BD £200,500 21 £130,000 - £280,000
M1 6BE £237,000 20 £134,500 - £300,000
M1 6DF £181,500 3 £156,500 - £227,500
M1 6EY £225,500 7 £180,000 - £350,000
M1 6HP £187,000 13 £117,000 - £282,500
M1 6HR £189,500 21 £106,000 - £339,000
M1 6HY £231,000 21 £166,000 - £332,000
M1 6JB £195,000 1 £195,000 - £195,000
M1 6LQ £164,000 29 £80,000 - £260,000
M1 6NF £166,000 15 £139,500 - £203,000
M1 6NG £147,000 29 £96,500 - £262,000

Monthly averages

Average price by type and tenure

Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
Freehold - - - -
Leasehold £189,162 - - -

Price brackets
