M1 1 Manchester

Below is a summary of house price trends and analytics for the last 12 months.

Average price


Number of sales


Price change


Last five years


Average price Sales Price range
M1 1AE £154,000 2 £152,500 - £155,000
M1 1AL £195,500 29 £148,500 - £228,500
M1 1AQ £203,500 38 £153,000 - £255,000
M1 1BA £192,000 10 £144,000 - £255,000
M1 1BY £187,500 20 £147,000 - £250,000
M1 1EB £127,000 15 £95,000 - £195,000
M1 1EL £252,000 5 £171,000 - £395,000
M1 1EP £192,500 24 £125,000 - £293,000
M1 1ER £232,500 24 £153,000 - £292,000
M1 1EU £154,000 21 £100,000 - £270,000
M1 1EW £194,000 25 £135,000 - £290,000
M1 1HE £156,000 6 £125,000 - £202,000
M1 1JA £265,500 4 £145,000 - £431,000
M1 1JN £161,000 2 £161,000 - £161,000
M1 1JQ £149,000 4 £137,500 - £168,000
M1 1LT £226,500 4 £195,000 - £262,500

Monthly averages

Average price by type and tenure

Flat Terraced Semi-detached Detached
Freehold - - - -
Leasehold £191,663 - - -

Price brackets
